Monthly Archives: April, 2012

In the Spring of Things


image: gena perdue handmade

This WIP is about seven years old, made from dress scraps and other quilting and craft scraps. The feelings are warm and happy when I look at it, making it the perfect demo for one of my summer sewing camp sessions this year. Also perfect that it’s a straight stitch project and that the cutting and piecing part was mostly finished. This demo will be used for my Hello Dolly! Dolly Quilt session.

New Beginnings

This is my diversion in between writing, marketing and organizing my sewing camp. It isn’t as long as it looks once stitched up.

So far I have two students. Yay!

Summer Camp Prep

Handmade today. 12×12″ Denyse Schmidt print napkins, home dec weight. Set of 4/$18.

Available soon at etsy or contact me.

Thank you.


gena perdue handmade

Love, Time and Money

image: Little Miss Maggie

My last post was really a half post. Our film festival really ate my brain this year. In fact so much, that the book sadly fell to the wayside quickly. Reading was off to a good start, smart, sweet, funny – what’s not to love? I remember us reading books together when we first started dating. There seemed to be an Anne Rice craze around then and we decided to read Interview With The Vampire. Anyway, reading together reminded me of those times. Love was new, time was aplenty, and we needed less money. Back then we both worked on the Pacific Stock Exchange.

The time put into the film festival really paid off. Our ticket sales were up by 88% this year. That’s almost double! Could it have happened without the support of friends and family nearby? I don’t know.

Today we have two kids (three if you count the festival, she’s five just like our younger) and we both work in the arts. So Love is Huge, Time is Nil, Money is Gone.

And sew (hint) I have officially resigned as Filmmaker Liaison, Housing Coordinator, and Steering Committee member. A new beginning.