Category Archives: love

Skate Date + Ham = Best Mother’s Day Ever


image: {gena perdue handmade}


image: {gena perdue handmade}

We walked and walked. And talked and talked. From the parking lot through the dell, through the grove and past the carousel, in Golden Gate Park. The weather was fair, our arms were bare. So perfect, nothing left to say. We were even home quite before dark.


You Are What You Eat

image and placemat: genaperduehandmade

Two and a half weeks ago, I walked into an FA meeting. FA is Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. I walked in because I wanted change. I walked in because I had known about the program a few years through a friend who was going through changes. I walked in because I was ready to change how I was living. I walked in because I knew that FA was not a diet or temporary change in foods. I walked in because I want to be healthier and yes, thinner. And perhaps, dare I say it: less miserable.

What I didn’t expect when I began was to walk into a room of thin, happy people. What I didn’t expect was to see anyone I knew. What I didn’t expect was to feel light and airy and have that blissful wind in my sails for a whole week. At the  second, third and fourth meetings I attended I saw even more familiar faces, some which I am intimate with. I was both surprised and relieved to know I was not the only one struggling with this particular which is so important in life.

When I found a sponsor and we created a food plan for me, I was amazed at how similar I had already been eating. The only difference is that now I eat three consistent meals a day at regular intervals and eliminate all flours and sugars. Ounce for ounce, all of my food is weighed. When I know I am going to be away from home during meals, I bring my food with me. This may sound complicated, but I have been amazed at the peace and tranquility that living this way has brought into my life.

It’s about honesty. What I didn’t know about honesty is that honesty isn’t a selective behaviour. When I decided to become honest about food, everything in my life was up on the chopping block. Speaking up for myself and being brave, loud and proud of who I am and what I want from life is new. Am I sad to say goodbye to cocktails? Not really.

The next step is the hardest. Telling my extended family I am changing and letting them know that even though I am changing, I don’t expect them to change and I don’t want them to pity me because I don’t eat whatever it is I’m not eating. I don’t need my friends or family to behave differently around me. And because I’m not doing or eating something doesn’t mean that I’m judging someone who does. I’ve never felt braver and happier and life is becoming more fun and free by the day.

In my bowl above is 8oz. of nonfat Fage yogurt, 6 oz. mixed organic berries, and 1 oz. uncooked organic steelcut oatmeal. This is very similar to the way I would [sometimes] eat when I was doing triathlon. In twenty pounds I expect to be running comfortably again. In September I’ll be going on a Recovery Retreat that I was recently invited to, with amazing friends, amazing food, ziplines, and in one of the beautiful places in the world.

The upshot of all this: Currently: I have more confidence. I have more time. At 43 I feel happier and more balanced than ever before. I love my life. I am incredibly grateful.

Getting Personal

photo: Deirdre Hanlon Jones

Often I wonder if it might be a good idea to have a blogging schedule, calendar, come what may. When I think about it, it feels somewhat like a dissection. While I do love a good dissection, it starts feeling complicated and I get more self conscious than I am comfortable admitting. { i have a blog – whatever, right? }

Fact: I have a lot to say, don’t know where to begin, become overwhelmed, so I just say nothing.{ It’s the blog cliche, right? You wanna blog, you don’t wanna blog. Make up yer mind already! } Then, last week I met someone. We couldn’t stop talking. About everything. San Diego, Sonoma County, wine, good skin care regimens and who has the best R&D department, UCSD, Biochem, cosmetic chem, the real meaning of SPF, living in Europe, raising families, the high price of petro [no, not really!] ,social work, foster children and the system, and that of course led to neurobiology.

I was wide open and strangely comfortable. But, wait for it .  .  . then I was nine years old again and feeling vulnerable. What have I done? I sat with a complete stranger and in a matter of minutes exchanged lifetimes worth of extremely personal information. What if I see them again? What if I don’t?

At nine years old, something happened to me that changed my life and how I viewed myself forever. Yes, the photo is me, circa 1992. It’s old, but I’m not. 😀 Wait, did that emoticon thing just make me old?

To be continued . . .

Mayday! Mayday! Ostrich Leaving Sand Post

Suddenly firmly embracing a love of high quality material goods again. What the hell happened to me? It’s like I had kids, sent all the good Italian design stuff to Goodwill and did my best to become some effedup version of Mother Teresa. Well, look out . . .wait, doesn’t this happen every summer? Stoopid fire sign.

This and this and this are exciting me write now. Yes, that was intentional, since writing this and writing that are what have eaten holes my brain during the new blog absence. If this thing were a child, it would have definitely withered away by now, having no mother to feed it and no loyal fans to tend it in my negligence.

But seriously, look out.  /Asskickingfirebreathingstorytellingfreakmakinglife ON

Changes are taking place. Sometimes that’s scary and exciting all at once. I think I can handle it.

Love, Time and Money

image: Little Miss Maggie

My last post was really a half post. Our film festival really ate my brain this year. In fact so much, that the book sadly fell to the wayside quickly. Reading was off to a good start, smart, sweet, funny – what’s not to love? I remember us reading books together when we first started dating. There seemed to be an Anne Rice craze around then and we decided to read Interview With The Vampire. Anyway, reading together reminded me of those times. Love was new, time was aplenty, and we needed less money. Back then we both worked on the Pacific Stock Exchange.

The time put into the film festival really paid off. Our ticket sales were up by 88% this year. That’s almost double! Could it have happened without the support of friends and family nearby? I don’t know.

Today we have two kids (three if you count the festival, she’s five just like our younger) and we both work in the arts. So Love is Huge, Time is Nil, Money is Gone.

And sew (hint) I have officially resigned as Filmmaker Liaison, Housing Coordinator, and Steering Committee member. A new beginning.